FGS Hsing Ma Si
會主燈 (消災大牌二人闔家) Service Donor Lamp (Longevity plauqe - Family) - 1000

壇主燈 (消災中牌一人闔家) Lamp of General Doner (Longevity Plaque - Family) - 500

藥師燈 (消災中牌一人名) Lamp of Medicine Buddha (Longevity Plaque - Personal) - 300

琉璃燈 Lamp of Lapis Lazuli - 100

如意燈 Lamp of Fulfilled Wishes - 50

十二愿燈(全) Lamp of Twelve Great Voews (Full) - 360

十二愿燈 Lamp of Twelve Great Vows- 30

消災小牌 Longevity Plaque - 50

供齋 (一人齋) Food Offering (1 pax) - 10

供花果 (一人齋) Flower & Fruit Offering (1 pax) - 10

總數 Total: