FGS Dong Zen Temple

新春平安燈功德項目 (25/1 - 12/2)

佛光山東禪寺新春平安燈 Fo Guang Shan Dong Zen CNY Lantern cum Flora Festival 2025

各位護法居士 : 大家吉祥!

Auspicious blessings to all Dharma protectors!
The sutras state: "A thousand-year-long darkness is immediately dispelled by a single lamp." With such merits, if one offers a lamp in a Buddhist temple, stupa, or hall, they will gain immeasurable blessings too:
    1. Dignified appearance and good health
    2. Profound wisdom and free from confusion
    3. Encounters with virtuous friends and abundant wealth.
    4. Born into a noble family and blessed by Buddha’s light

平安燈 3000 (2個人或閤家)

吉祥燈 1000 (2人名或閤家)

佛祖燈 300 (1個人或閤家)

福慧燈 100 (1個人或閤家)

富貴燈 500 (1個人)

十供養 - 188
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供齋-隨喜 Food Offering - 10
總數 Total:

