佛光山東禪寺2025 歲末祭祖法會
屆時敬請 閤府蒞臨拈香禮拜,共霑法益!
Fo Guang Shan Dong Zen Temple 2025 Commemoration of Ancestors Dharma Function
With remembrance and gratitude, we honor our ancestors and pray for blessings and merit dedicated to our ancestors.
Everyone is invited to join in this Dharma function and celebrate the benefits of the Dharma together.
法會日期: 2025年1月5日(星期日)
法會時間: 10:00AM~12:00AM
法 會: 八十八佛洪名寶懺
項 目: 素齋、花果藍、乾果盒 (每份100點)