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活動名稱 Event Name
徵文比賽 Writing Contest
姓名 Name
身分證字號 I/C No.
聯絡電話 Contact No.
電郵地址 Email
佛光卡號碼 Fo Guang Card No.
參賽組別 Category
小學組 Primary (200字以上 200words and above)
初中組 Lower Secondary (800字以上 800 words and above)
高中組 Upper Secondary (1000字以上 1000 words and above)
公開組 Public (2000-5000字 words)
作品主題(任選一則) Topic (Pick One)
想跟佛陀説話 Talking to Buddha
我想説聲謝謝您 I want to say thank you
媽媽,我愛您!Mom, I love you!
人間有溫情,疫情見真情 There is kindness in the world
備註 Remarks
Do not plagiarize or imitate other people's works, otherwise will be disqualified.
The content must not contain sensitive topics such as violence, pornography and ethnicity.
上傳檔案 Upload File
Every contestant is limited to 1 entry only
作品採用Microsoft Word檔案,楷體,字體12
The work should be in Microsoft Word file, KaiTi, font size 12